Reflect Defense Window Film Anti Reflective Window Film Products


Read these Pre-Installation Guidelines 

  • Glass surface must be clean. Use mild soap and water to clean the glass. Do not use glass cleaners with solvents (e.g., Windex®). Use 85% isopropyl alcohol, if desired, to remove any residue; allow it to evaporate completely before installing film.
  • Temperature of the glass you are applying the film to must be cold. It must be between approx. 40º F and 70º F outside. In hot weather, apply film in the early morning, while glass is still cool. Applying film to glass that is too hot can cause the film to stretch during installation.
  • Surface must be completely dry. Use lint-free cloth or industrial paper towels to dry glass.
  • Prior to installation Reflect Defense Window Film, we recommend attaching a small piece of Reflect Defense Window Film to glass as a test to help you become accustomed to the film's characteristics, including adhesion strength.

How to Stop Turf from Melting? 


There are distinct reasons why we’ve developed each style of window film. Please watch this video to discover which product style is right for you.

Reflect Defense Window Film | Anti Reflective Protection Film


We've kind of perfected the installation of this and really the manufacturing of this. So don't be fooled by the competition.


Please follow these install steps carefully to install the Black, White, or Clear Screen products correctly. Installing the film on a calm day without strong winds or anticipated rain is advisable.


  • Window film of your choice
  • Squeegee or hard card
  • Sharp utility knife or razor blade
  • Measuring tape or ruler
An installer is removing the window film liner and folding it back


Lift the upper edge of the liner away from the film and fold back approximately 3-6 inches (depending on the size of the film).

An installer is carefully positioning the window film on the exterior of a window


Carefully position the film so that it is properly aligned on all sides, then press the upper corners in place using light pressure.

an installer is using a plastic squegee to press the window film in place on the exterior of the window


Using your hand or a soft plastic squeegee, lightly press the film in place.

an installer is pulling the window film liner downwas to apply the product to the outside of the window


Working from the top of the film to the bottom, continue by peeling away more of the liner and applying light pressure to the film. Continue in this manner until the liner is completely removed and the window film is in place.


Using a utility knife, carefully trim away any unneeded portion of the film.


If you are installing more than one panel, follow steps 1 through 5 for each panel. Properly align each film in relation to the adjoining panel(s).

In the case of film that must be seamed together, install the two pieces so that the edges of the film butt against each other, with the holes aligned (don't overlap the two edges of the film).


Finally, squeegee the film from the center and work outward in all directions. Be sure to squeegee the edges firmly in place.

Step 8 Dry Install (1).png__PID:86d06946-b5be-4598-ace0-66866814b77f


Step back and admire your work!

How to Install Black Window Film for Turf?

Black Screen Exterior Window Film by Reflect Defense window film offers the best interior visibility and looks like a screen after installation. If you are looking for the best interior view without a blurry look, choose Black Film.

How to Install White Window Film for Turf?

White Film offers great privacy during the daytime hours and provides a clearer view than Clear Film. Your eye can look past the black liner and focus just on visible light.

How to Install Clear Window Film for Turf?

Finally, squeegee the film from the center and work outward in all directions. Be sure to squeegee the edges firmly in place.


Please follow these steps carefully to install the TF-PRO product correctly.
Installing the film on a calm day without strong winds or anticipated rain is advisable. The wet installation relies on the water solution to dry naturally.


  • Window film of your choice
  • Soapy water solution (a few drops of baby shampoo or dish soap in a spray bottle filled with water)
  • Squeegee or hard card
  • Utility knife or razor blade
  • Measuring tape or ruler
  • Lint-free cloth or microfiber towel
  • Spray bottle
  • Paper towels
Turf Shield Window Film | Scorch Protect Film0000.png__PID:92a3324c-7380-4e73-8f21-33734f68c5c0


•  Start by thoroughly cleaning the window's exterior surface. Use the soapy water solution to spray the window and wipe it down with a lint-free cloth or microfiber towel.
•  Ensure you remove all dirt, dust, and smudges to avoid imperfections under the film.

Turf Shield Window Film | Scorch Protect Film0001.png__PID:9bd82aa2-f078-47b3-a3e3-d45091a72e1d


•  Measure the window dimensions and add an inch or two on each side. This will ensure you have enough film to cover the entire window without running short.
•  Cut the window film according to the dimensions you've taken.

Turf Shield Window Film | Scorch Protect Film0002.png__PID:d82aa2f0-78b7-4323-a3d4-5091a72e1dcf


•  Spray a generous amount of the soapy water on the window's exterior. The solution will act as a lubricant, allowing you to position the film easily.

Turf Shield Window Film | Scorch Protect Film0003.png__PID:2aa2f078-b7b3-43e3-9450-91a72e1dcfcc


•  Carefully peel away the film's backing and immediately spray the adhesive side with soapy water.

Turf Shield Window Film | Scorch Protect Film0004.png__PID:a2f078b7-b323-43d4-9091-a72e1dcfcc67


• Apply the soapy water solution onto adhesive side of the film and the window. The soapy water solution should help you slide and position the film into place.

Place the removed liner that exposed the adhesive side of the film and place it on top of the film; this ensures that you don’t scratch the printed side.

Turf Shield Window Film | Scorch Protect Film0005.png__PID:f078b7b3-23e3-4450-91a7-2e1dcfcc67f1


• Using the squeegee from the Wet Application Kit push out soapy solution from under the film, starting from the center and moving outward. Work in all directions ensuring there are no soapy solution, water, or bubbles.

Turf Shield Window Film | Scorch Protect Film0007.png__PID:b7b323e3-d450-41a7-ae1d-cfcc67f16e9b


•  Use the Angled Hard-Card provided in the TReflect Defense Pro Installation Kit - Wet being sure to wrap it with a dry paper towel like pictured. (Above)

- Apply firm, even pressure to press out any excess soapy water solution, or air. 

Note: If air is trapped, lift the film, reapply soapy water, and repeat the from Step 5. 

Turf Shield Window Film | Scorch Protect Film0008.png__PID:b323e3d4-5091-472e-9dcf-cc67f16e9b0f


•   Allow the film to dry naturally. Depending on the weather conditions, this might take several hours to a few days. Refrain from trying to hasten the drying process with heaters or blowers, as this may cause imperfections.

After the film has dried, check for any remaining bubbles. If you find any, pierce them with a pin and use the squeegee to push out the trapped air or water.

How to Install TF-Pro : Anti Reflective Window Film Wet Application

This is a wet application window film. This film is designed to protect turf, vinyl siding, and patio furniture from melting. This installtion video will help guide your Anti Reflective Window tint installation. 

Black Screen Exterior Window Film | Anti Reflective Window Film

White Screen Exterior Window Film | Anti Reflective Window Film

Clear Screen Exterior Window Film | Anti Reflective Window Film


Reflect Defense TF Pro Anti Reflective Window film by Turf Shield Window Film LLC
Reflect Defense TF-PRO - Anti Reflective Film
Reflect Defense TF-PRO - Anti Reflective Film
Reflect Defense TF-PRO - Anti Reflective Film
Reflect Defense TF-PRO - Anti Reflective Film
Reflect Defense TF-PRO - Anti Reflective Film
Reflect Defense TF-PRO - Anti Reflective Film
Reflect Defense TF-PRO - Anti Reflective Film
Reflect Defense TF-PRO - Anti Reflective Film
Reflect Defense TF Pro Anti Reflective Window film by Turf Shield Window Film LLC
Reflect Defense TF-PRO - Anti Reflective Film
Reflect Defense TF-PRO - Anti Reflective Film
Reflect Defense TF-PRO - Anti Reflective Film
Reflect Defense TF-PRO - Anti Reflective Film
Reflect Defense TF-PRO - Anti Reflective Film
Reflect Defense TF-PRO - Anti Reflective Film
Reflect Defense TF-PRO - Anti Reflective Film
Reflect Defense TF-PRO - Anti Reflective Film

Reflect Defense TF-PRO - Anti Reflective Film

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Reflect Defense Black Anti Reflective Window film by Turf Shield Window Film LLC
Reflect Defense Black - Anti Reflective Window Film
Interior view of Reflect Defense - anti reflective window film to prevent turf and siding from melting
Reflect Defense - anti reflective window film to prevent artificial turf, vinyl siding, car molding, patio furniture and pool covers from melting
Reflect Defense - anti reflective window film to prevent artificial turf, vinyl siding, car molding, patio furniture and pool covers from melting
Turf melting is preventable with Reflect defense an anti reflective window film
massive damage on turf caused by low e windows melting turf melting
Reflect Defense - anti reflective window film to prevent artificial turf, vinyl siding, car molding, patio furniture and pool covers from melting
Reflect Defense Black - Anti Reflective Window Film
Reflect Defense Black Anti Reflective Window film by Turf Shield Window Film LLC
Reflect Defense Black - Anti Reflective Window Film
Interior view of Reflect Defense - anti reflective window film to prevent turf and siding from melting
Reflect Defense - anti reflective window film to prevent artificial turf, vinyl siding, car molding, patio furniture and pool covers from melting
Reflect Defense - anti reflective window film to prevent artificial turf, vinyl siding, car molding, patio furniture and pool covers from melting
Turf melting is preventable with Reflect defense an anti reflective window film
massive damage on turf caused by low e windows melting turf melting
Reflect Defense - anti reflective window film to prevent artificial turf, vinyl siding, car molding, patio furniture and pool covers from melting
Reflect Defense Black - Anti Reflective Window Film

Reflect Defense Black - Anti Reflective Window Film

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Reflect Defense Clear Anti Reflective Window film by Turf Shield Window Film LLC
Reflect Defense Clear - Anti Reflective Film
Reflect Defense Clear - Anti Reflective Film
Reflect Defense Clear - Anti Reflective Film
Reflect Defense Clear - Anti Reflective Film
Reflect Defense Clear Anti Reflective Window film by Turf Shield Window Film LLC
Reflect Defense Clear - Anti Reflective Film
Reflect Defense Clear - Anti Reflective Film
Reflect Defense Clear - Anti Reflective Film
Reflect Defense Clear - Anti Reflective Film

Reflect Defense Clear - Anti Reflective Film

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Reflect Defense White Anti Reflective Window film by Turf Shield Window Film LLC
Reflect Defense White - Anti Reflective Window Film
Reflect Defense White - Anti Reflective Window Film
Reflect Defense White - Anti Reflective Window Film
Reflect Defense White Anti Reflective Window film by Turf Shield Window Film LLC
Reflect Defense White - Anti Reflective Window Film
Reflect Defense White - Anti Reflective Window Film
Reflect Defense White - Anti Reflective Window Film

Reflect Defense White - Anti Reflective Window Film

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Don't Wait Until it's Too Late!

Most people spend $2500 on average to repair these harmful effects when Reflect Defense Window Film® is infinitely easier to install.

An image of green artificial turf destroyed by the suns reflection off of windows.


Reflect Defense Window Film prevents turf from melting by reducing the concentration of energy directed onto turf by energy-efficient windows.

Vinyl Siding melting by window reflection _ Get Anti Reflective Window Film by Reflect Defense Window Film0000.jpg__PID:5e5e8139-6e37-4a59-88ab-33abbff018e0


Reflect Defense Window Film prevents turf from melting by reducing the concentration of energy directed onto turf by energy-efficient windows.

A photo of patio furniture destroyed by the suns reflection.


Reflect Defense Window Film prevents turf from melting by reducing the concentration of energy directed onto turf by energy-efficient windows.

Car molding and trim melting by window reflection _ Get Anti Reflective Window Film by Reflect Defense Window Film0000.jpg__PID:b1095e5e-8139-4e37-aa59-c8ab33abbff0


Reflect Defense Window Film prevents turf from melting by reducing the concentration of energy directed onto turf by energy-efficient windows.

News About Melting Issues 

Each article is written to efficiently answer your questions and resolve your problems without putting you on hold.  Check out the articles from the help center to get your answers quickly!

How do I stop my turf from melting?

How do I stop my turf from melting?

Stop the reflection of the window from melting artificial turf. Reflect Defense acts as a Turf Shied preventing your artificial turf from melting. Shield your turf with Reflect Defense Window Film. 

Read Article
Long-term Protection Against Window Reflection Heat Damage with Turf Shield Window Film

Long-term Protection Against Window Reflection

Protect your turf, siding, and more from heat damage caused by window reflections with Turf Shield Film by Reflect Defense Window Film. Our anti-reflective films, with Scorch Protect Technology, disperse sunlight and prevent damage. 

Read Article


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