Synthetic turf protection is a flooring solution to prevent turf, siding, patio furniture, and other synthetic materials from melting.
Artificial Turf is made with heavy-duty synthetic polyester materials. However, the increased efficiency of windows has left a problem unresolved.
Newly installed artificial grass can burn, fade and distort. Turf installation companies and homeowners do not generally know why this happens or how to prevent flooring systems from melting.
An easy way to determine if you need turf protection films is by looking at the reflections on your yard. Consider artificial turf protection if you locate the sun's reflection glaring down on an area of your yard or sports facility. Also, it would be wise to ask your contractor if the turf's melting point is more significant than 168 degrees.
Another indication is that the glare from a window has created brown spots on your natural grass. While some homeowners think this may be a lack of watering, dog urine, or other factors, it may also be because the windows are drying out those sections of grass.
In many cases, this can be avoided by proper planning on where to put artificial turf. However, from an aesthetic standpoint, you may want turf in the areas with reflections. In these areas, you should consider applying turf protection window film to provide ground protection to the newly installed or considered turf area.
There are several ways to prevent this melted turf damage. Whatever method you choose, their purpose is the same: to avoid reaching the melting point of artificial grass.
Sadly, many solutions require a lot of money, time, and effort. If you want a solution that is affordable, efficient, and easy to install, choose Artificial Turf gaurding Window Film.
Why is my Turf melting?
Turf melting happens when the reflections of highly efficient windows designed to prevent heat from entering the home or living space reflect on artificial turf flooring. This causes the turf to exceed its natural melting point or heat resistance capabilities. As a result, your turf begins to change color, fade, and even burn, thereby distorting the natural grass look.
Nobody wants to pay thousands of dollars to get synthetic grass and have it cause such an inconvenience.
It can be very disappointing to realize that your investment in your yard is now being ruined because of low e window reflections destroying it. More and more homeowners are opting for artificial grass. For many homeowners, it’s an investment to reduce water usage or avoid costly maintenance.
Turf - Shields Window Film staff and company owners realized the importance of solving this issue for homeowners and commercial facilities in 2016 and have been working to improve the look and ease of installation since the company’s inception.
Turf Window Shield Film is a great product designed with the customer in mind. Our window film for turf guards your artificial grass against melting by scattering Sun’s light reflected off or your windows and thereby eliminating concentrated light that causes turf to melt. This affect is similar to using a magnification glass to concentrate light in an isolated area.
Window Film for turf, siding, and patio furniture works in its ability to reduce the intense reflection by distributing the light evenly and thereby protecting the substrate that can melt.
How to protect my artificial turf from melting?
Indeed there is no possible way to fix your melted turf without replacing it. Therefore you should find a product like Turf Shielding Film for windows that protects your turf and removes all potential glare and reflection from your windows. Our product not only safeguards turf but also protects siding and outdoor furniture, so we are giving you an alternative to keep you from having to replace more than just turf.

What is the best turf protection system?
Installing Turf Gard Window Film is an excellent product with a straightforward process. Odds are someone who buys our product does not have the supplies to install window film. We have an installation kit and tutorial videos on our website that easily assist anyone with varying levels of experience installing Turf Shield Window Film.
Artificial Turf film comes in a hard tube, cleanly packaged in lengths of 5, 10,15, and 25 linear ft. Our Films are offered in either 54” inches wide or 60” inches wide. This is the optimal size to cover any size of windows. In cases where the window is larger than 60 inches wide, our window film for turf can be seamed by overlapping the film with a 1” inch overlap to ensure longevity.
Turf protection Solutions for Melting Turf
Turf Protection film is an ingenious turf protection product. Our window film is one of the most trusted exterior window films to protect stadium turf, sports facilities, siding, and outdoor furniture. Our product saves our customers thousands of dollars on costly repairs and downtime.
Clear exterior window film for turf has been a way to get around HOAs and other housing community rules. Everyone knows how strict housing communities and housing associations can be at times. Housing community rules can hinder homeowners’ and renters’ ability to solve turf melting issues. These rules give people with newly installed Natural Turf few options to protect their turf.
Shield Turf Window Film is an excellent solution to prevent an issue. Our film breaks up the light reflected from the Sun that would typically be beaming straight into your turf and ruining it. Our black and white material can also help reduce the heat from your windows.
Shield Turf Window Film is as easy as order, cut, and install. So if your looking for a proven way to protect your turf, siding, and patio furniture from melting, look no further than